The objective of evaluation of the CZU educational process is to enhance the system of internal evaluation and the quality of CZU educational activities in Bachelor's degree study programmes and follow-up Master' s degree study programmes and in Lifelong Learning and to make them more efficient. The evaluation processes are based on the long-term plans of educational, scientific, research, innovative and creative activities at CZU, and to implement the international principles of the prestigious network of European ELLS universities (Euro League for Life Sciences), of which CZU is a member.
The Institute of Education and Communication is assigned the task of implementation and methodical management of evaluation of the educational process through all CZU components. During the academic year IEC uses a variety of evaluation methods, by means of which mainly to;
- survey the students' and the teachers' views on the process and conditions of tuition.
- perform processing and analysis of the data collected.
- continually provide the entities to be included into the evaluation survey with feedback.
- seek connections which could explain the causes of the conditions discovered.
IEC, each academic year, provides a methodical commentary on the results, suggests appropriate recommendations, publishes them and submits them to the university management board in the form of a comprehensive report entitled ‘Analysis of students' and teachers' view on process and conditions of tuition at CZU in Prague’.